Twelve Sun signs bundle : get all lessons on the topic of 12 Sun signs

Get all lessons at once, covering all the houses, the signs and their use in predictions

All places have a beginning and the signs are the beginning of astrology-learning. The 12 houses and 12 signs of astrology form the foundation of astrological learning, and in these courses are presented the traditional approach to each sign, their symbol, their effects, their interpretation, house effects, their lords and placements with examples.

These courses are for every level of astrology-students, and can teach, inspire and surprise entry-to-advanced levels of students alike. Every lesson is taught using the traditional principles of Vedic Astrology.

Courses Included with Purchase

Pisces: learn the importance of the Guru, mantra and remedies for life
Learn how to find solutions to life's problems, through the Vedic sign Mīna or Pisces, and its link to the Sages and God
Visti Larsen
Aquarius: understanding life, prānā, the worship of God Śiva and the Nakṣatras
Learn about the Vedic sign Kumbha or Aquarius, its ethereal aspects through the concept of Badhaka, the time of Śiva worship and rebirth
Visti Larsen
Capricorn: know the sign, its parts and the natural 10th house
Learn about the Vedic sign Nākra or Capricorn, its various aspects, as well as its impact on career and success
Visti Larsen
Aries: read the new year, auspicious placements and achieving goals
How does the Vedic Meṣa or Aries keep you in this planet? Learn all about Aries, the Kalpadruma yoga and the 1st house
Visti Larsen
Taurus: derive the sources of family happiness, food and wealth in your life
Learn about the Vedic sign Vṛṣabha or Taurus, its divisions, its produce as well as its impact on wealth and family
Visti Larsen
Gemini: understand the divisions of Gemini, their effects, the 3rd house and its challenges
Know the Vedic sign Mithuna, or Gemini, and how the symbol of the twins impacts the planets placed therein as well as the impact of the 3rd house and lord
Visti Larsen
Cancer: learn about relocation, timing, directions and places as well as Astrological Vastu!
Know the Vedic sign Karkaṭaka or Cancer and how it impacts the chart; understand how to read one's place of stay and organize it for prosperity!
Visti Larsen
Leo: examine the natural 5th house of children and our mental faculties
Everything you need to know about the Vedic sign Simha, or Leo, how to examine and predict children in one's life as well as examine one's memory
Visti Larsen
Virgo: know your enemy, their impact, your karmas and your wealth sources
Read the Vedic sign Kumari/Kanya or Virgo, the natural house of enemies and harvest. Read your karmas and wealth through the Drekkana and Hora
Visti Larsen
Libra: learn all about compatibility, marriage its length and happiness
Know the Vedic sign Tula, or Libra, all about marriage matching, marriage muhurta/dates and the length of marriage
Visti Larsen
Scorpio: the 8th house, its occult knowledge, longevity and debts
Understand the Vedic sign Ali/Vṛṣcika or Scorpio, how it gives occult knowledge, how to read longevity from the 8th house as well as debts
Visti Larsen
Sagittarius: predict rise of fortune, one's dharma and education
Know the Vedic sign Dhanuṣa, or Sagittarius, the 9th house, its fortunes and tides, as well as one's specialization
Visti Larsen

Original Price: $0


Twelve Sun signs bundle!

Get the entire twelve lectures of the 12 Sun-signs, covering the essence of Vedic Astrology.

Your Instructor

Visti Larsen
Visti Larsen

Visti is a student of Pt. Sanjay Rath and part of the Jyotish tradition of Śrī Achyutānanda Das of Kaliñga (Orissa). A tradition originating from the Pancha Sakha of Śrī Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. His study of the traditional Vedic knowledge has enabled him to further others in their study of Vedic Astrology through courses both online and in-person.

He has been a professional and practicing astrologer since 2004, and sees clients horoscopes on a daily basis. His experience enables him to portray the pitfalls and shortcuts to better horoscope analysis, which he also displays in the teachings and lessons he shares.

Visti holds the titles of Jyotiṣa Pandita and Jaimini Scholar, and is the custodian of the Mahaṛṣi Jaimini Upadeśa Sūtras.

Висти Ларсен – студент Пандита Санджайа Ратха в джйотиш традиции Ш́рӣ Ачйутāнанда Даса из Калин̃га (Орисса). Традиция, происходящая от Панча Сакха Ш́рӣ Чайтаньи Махапрабху. Его изучение традиционных ведических знаний позволило ему продолжить обучать ведической астрологии через онлайн-курсы и также лично.

Он профессиональный и практикующий астролог с 2004 года и ежедневно рассматривает гороскопы клиентов. Его опыт позволяет показать тонкости и наилучшие методы анализа гороскопа, которыми он делится на своих обучающих курсах и вебинарах.

Висти имеет титулы Джйотиш̣а Пандит и Знаток Джаймини и также хранителем знаний Махар̣ш̣и Джаймини Упадеш́а Сӯтр.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Will this course continue to be updated? And will I get free access to future versions?
You will have lifetime access to all updates and changes made to this course. For Free!
Still have a question that isn't listed here?
I want you to feel confident about the investment that you are making in this course so if you have any questions that aren't answered above, please email me at [email protected].

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